Dave Illig, jazz guitarist
"There is a special group of aspiring guitarists who continuously push the learning envelope to new levels. As evidenced by his playing on Frequent Flyer, Dave Illig is such a guitarist. Don't miss an opportunity to hear Dave soar on the fretboard as easily as he flies a jet plane!" ....Robert Conti "Beautiful playing... nice tune too." ....Jimmy Bruno DAVE WAS FEATURED IN JUST JAZZ GUITAR MAGAZINE Thank you for visiting our web site. The links to the left will guide you to music, pictures and information. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or would just like to talk about jazz guitar. My other passion, aviation, has been taking up a lot of my time lately and I haven't been able to perform and record as much as I would like. Hopefully that will improve this year.Join me on Face Book Dave Illig on FacebookContact InformationWe would really love to hear from you. ANY comments you have would be greatly appreciated. Please email us.
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DAVE ILLIG Dave Illig uses and recommends these fine products. |